Put simply, purchasing a repossessed car enables you to acquire a vehicle for a fraction of the price you would have to pay on a forecourt. If you’re a trade buyer looking to make a profit on a great-value repossessed vehicle at auction, at Autohaus Meister it’s possible to find a bargain from the comfort of your office or living room.
All vehicles entered into Autohaus Meister auctions have either had their finance markers removed, or will be cleared on the day payment is received by Autohaus Meister, therefore a customer can buy with total peace of mind.
Would you like to visit us? This is possible by appointment only. This way, you know exactly when it is your turn and there is no waiting time. All you have to do is just send us an email and request an appointment.
Yes, as you are purchasing from a Germany main dealership, your warranties are exactly the same as if you order the car from your local dealership. Every car sold will come with one year warranty!
Yes, you are more than welcome to come and collect the car in person. Collections are not available without a scheduled appointment slot. Access to Autohaus Meister HUB will be by appointment only.
The only form of payment accepted is a bank transfer. All vehicles must be paid for before arrival at our HUB. We are unable to accept cash payments at this time.
Because we place so many purchases. If you can get a discount on a car locally, and you are only buying one car, then just imagine how much discount you could get if you were buying 20 cars? We also work with Company car fleets, and as a result we have a lot of negotiating power which we are using to help you to get a better deal.
When we come and pick up the car, we’ll check it over and agree if it’s good to return. Then we’ll kick off the refund process. We process all refunds within 24-48 hours. The refund will need to happen using the same original payment method. Once all this is confirmed, your money will be back in your account within 1-2 working days.
Yes. We’ve adapted our business to keep everyone safe. Once your vehicle is paid off, we will contact you to arrange the best delivery date for you. We will always do our best to meet your delivery requirements.